
Distinctive X-100+ Auto Key Programmer

If you are troubling about looking for a portable key programmer, the X-100+ Auto Key Programmer is definitely the best choice. X-100+ Auto Key Programmer is a handheld device for programming keys in immobilizer units on vehicles. This scan tool has a simple and robust design, to make your vehicle service experience much easier!
It supports new keys programming, reads keys from immobilizer’s memory, new immobilizer programming, new ECU programming, new mechanical key number programming, Vehicle Identification Number programming, reset ECM & reset immobilizer, new remote controller programming and so on.
What are the difference between x100+ and the other auto anti matching equipment?

The other equipment is major in auto locksmith, and can only do key matching, can not renew between anti safe and engine ECU, but x-100+ is not only for locksmith, it is including the customers from the workshop. Because the workshop not only use the key matching, they also need to replace the anti safe ECU and renew the engine ECU. But the common equipment, for example SBB,T300…etc cannot do these. For example: when water get into the car…etc, after change the engine ECU, anti safe ECU , they need to do renew the anti safe ECU and engine ECU, or ECM in initialization, SMARTRA initialization, PDM initialization, ESCL initialization..etc, x-100+ can do this, but T300,SBB cannot do.

